Artykuły Marty o jedzeniu mięsa:
W języku polskim:
Z dziejów mięsożerców -- Mięsna historia człowieka - Polityka
Większy mózg, mniej włosów, ciemniejsza skóra – mięso zmieniło ludzi na wiele sposobów. Stało się symbolem władzy, bogactwa, męskości. Jak się zaczęła i dokąd prowadzi nasza mięsożercza obsesja?... - Czytaj więcej
Czy jedzenie mięsa naprawdę powoduje raka? - Polityka
Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia dorzuciła przetwory mięsne do listy substancji rakotwórczych. Czerwone, nieprzetworzone mięso wylądowało wśród czynników „prawdopodobnie rakotwórczych”. Czas na wegetarianizm?... - Czytaj więcej
6 Białkowych mitów - Focus
Bez niego nie będziemy mieć mięśni, nie schudniemy, rozchorujemy się. Jednak naukowcy twierdzą, że białko jest przereklamowane... - Czytaj więcej
Sztuka mięsa bez mięsa - Polityka
Kuchenne bioreaktory do hodowli wołowiny, inkubatory jadalnych owadów, domowe ekspresy do robienia „mięsa” z białek roślinnych... - Czytaj więcej
W języku angielskim:
The secrets of meat's flavor - what makes meat taste so enticing? - The Washington Post
We’ve long known why ice cream and chocolate appeal so much to our taste buds: It’s that blissful mixture of sugar and fat. But what’s so special about bacon and steak that, for most people, it trumps the growing pile of scientific data on meat’s detrimental health effects?
The answer, according to scientists, lies in meat’s unique mixture of fat and umami (more about this taste later), spiced up in a process called the Maillard reaction — the browning that happens when we cook a piece of meat. “These are powerful stimuli to humans,” says Paul Breslin, a nutritional sciences professor at Rutgers University... Czytaj więcej
Meet the Meat Paradox - Scientific American
We love animals, yet most of us also eat them. Research is revealing the cognitive tricks we use to resolve the omnivore’s dilemma... Czytaj więcej
Would lab-grown meat be healthier than regular meat? - The Atlantic
No saturated fat, no heme iron, no growth hormone—cultured meat seems to have many potential benefits.
Conventional meat (the kind that grows inside animals, not petri dishes) is, in several ways, not exactly good for our health. Research shows that regularly indulging can lead to higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some kinds of cancer.
Professor Mark Post of the University of Maastricht, the scientist behind the first in-vitro burger, believes that test tube meat will be better for us. “We gain greater control over what the meat consists of, for example its fat content,” he says. “And the reduction in the number of farmed animals reduces the chance of zoonosis,“ or infectious diseases that spread from animals to people. So how exactly could meat grown in labs be better for our health than the meat that is grown in cows or pigs?... Czytaj więcej
Can seniors go vegetarian? - The Washington Post
For many baby boomers, former president Bill Clinton among them, vegetarian diets — including vegan ones, which eschew all animal products — have become a way of life. Much of the reason for that, doctors say, is that this demographic group is heading into prime time for health issues and sees vegetarianism as a way to protect their bodies. Yet for boomers these diets can carry some risks that don’t concern those in their 30s or 40s. As we age, our nutritional needs change and are harder to meet.
About 2.5 million Americans over the age of 55 are vegetarian according to a 2012 Harris poll conducted for the Vegetarian Resource Group, and doctors and researchers say interest in such diets is growing. The prominence of some aging vegetarians stokes this trend: In addition to Clinton (age 65), there is Paul McCartney (70), retired tennis player Martina Navratilova (55) and actor Ian McKellen (73). Less famous but nevertheless impressive vegetarians include Fauja Singh, an India-born Briton who at 101 years old runs marathons... Czytaj więcej
How does lab-grown meat taste like? - The Washington Post
It looked like a burger. It smelled like a burger. It tasted, well, almost like a burger.
The first lab-grown beef hamburger was cooked and eaten in London on Monday. “We proved it’s possible,” said scientist Mark Post, who created the cultured minced meat in his lab at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. He said his hope is to come up with a new and environmentally friendly way to feed the world.
The scene in Riverside Studios in West London, where the event took place, looked like something you might see on a TV cooking show: There was a fake kitchen counter, a tiny sink, a single burner and, of course, a chef — Richard McGeown, who has worked with such culinary stars as Gordon Ramsay... Czytaj więcej
Why iron-rich diets may not always be good for you - The Washington Post
If you’ve got anemia, that might be good news.
Does such a statement sound weird to you? That’s to be expected: For years we’ve been told that anemia and iron deficiency are nothing short of evil. They should be treated as soon as possible, with any means possible: hence the 108-milligram iron pills sold in many pharmacies.
Yes, it is true that anemia can be a crippling condition and that, when severe, it can cause heart failure. But a growing pile of clinical evidence shows that low iron stores and mild anemia may be beneficial in some cases, by offering protection from infections such as malaria and tuberculosis, and by helping combat chronic diseases including cancer... Czytaj więcej